Still Rainy
There has been over an inch of rain through the last few days and now they are on the plus side. This has to really help the drought conditions. Now, if the farmers could get into the fields and all the planting be done, then some more gentle rain in the summer, it could be a decent year!
I talked to my son in Anchorage last night. His birthday is tomorrow and it is so hard to catch him with the hours he works and all the sports events he attends that his girls participate in, that I catch him when I can. Usually I have a warm fuzzy feeling after we get to chat but not yesterday. I feel that I have been here to long and gotten to hard. Must be that old RA feeling still working. But that is OK.
Going to try to get Mom to ride to Lincoln with me today. Wonder if she will. She needs to get out of the house but who knows. It will be OK if she does, but if she doesn't, I will go anyway and do a few more things.
I talked to my son in Anchorage last night. His birthday is tomorrow and it is so hard to catch him with the hours he works and all the sports events he attends that his girls participate in, that I catch him when I can. Usually I have a warm fuzzy feeling after we get to chat but not yesterday. I feel that I have been here to long and gotten to hard. Must be that old RA feeling still working. But that is OK.
Going to try to get Mom to ride to Lincoln with me today. Wonder if she will. She needs to get out of the house but who knows. It will be OK if she does, but if she doesn't, I will go anyway and do a few more things.
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