At This Point in Time

Temporarily helping a parent. Miss my life.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Gotta Go

It's getting rough again. I sure do need to get away and soon.

small town living
I was getting a dinner to go for Mom and me at the local cafe and had ordered a piece of pie. Fellow sitting near where the waitress was fixing it asked her "who is that pie for?" Who the hell cares..get a life guy.

In the library this morning...ol' gal comes charging up the steps and asks the Librarian "Whose truck with Texas plates outside?" Who the hell cares..

Damn, I hate that crap.

Mom always checks my plate out...guess to see if I'm doing anything different. She was doing it tonight. I had fixed a cheese omelet and divided it between our plates. She thought my cheese was harder than hers..geez Who the hell cares...get a life, stay out of mine.

Yep...time to head south.