At This Point in Time

Temporarily helping a parent. Miss my life.

Monday, November 26, 2007


slide out of November into December.

Nephew and his wife brought out a ham dinner yesterday. Made a remark that they may be quitting doing this. Well, they did not do it last year and I certainly don't expect it so guess I need to bring it up and get it clarified soon. They use to do it all the time the last few years Dad was alive. As far as I'm concerned, they did not have to do it this year or any year. He is extremely opinionated and I have excused some of it due to the fact he had no choice over who his mother is but I'm less inclined to do that as time goes on. Of course, I understand kindness is located in a frontal lobe of the brain and as one ages that area declines so will just attribute my lack of kindness to loss of frontal lobe cells and figure his is accelerated.

It is what it is.