At This Point in Time

Temporarily helping a parent. Miss my life.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Another Saturday to Fill

Made a return trip yesterday to get a legal form filled out and now am hearing "strange" noises from the engine. I just don't need those kinds of problems!

Went to dinner with a friend and had an enjoyable evening out of town. Food was good and the conversation better than I anticipated. Then just had to worry about making it back..Guess I will try a local mechanic this coming week.

Woke up early and tried to read. Fell back asleep and had the strangest dream. Two S. O. morphed into one, but the upshot was me still really working on my "I'm OK and this is another great day" creation.

The sun is shinning and I have to prepare some pork ribs with rub so they will be ready to smoke tomorrow. Am suppose to take them to Lincoln to my nephews, guess that is why I am so concerned about the truck!! wish me luck.