At This Point in Time

Temporarily helping a parent. Miss my life.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

So Sad

The tragedy in southeast Asia is sad. All I can say about relief effort is, don't run anything through the U.N. It will only line someone's pockets.

Will be continuing to get things in order here. I started doing some straightening in the kitchen last night. Threw old items out and did a little rearranging. Not asking this time, just doing. Mom said nothing. Hopefully will continue in that mode for the next couple of months. If I am lucky, will get to take another 3 weeks or so down south the month of March.

I watched "Under the Tuscan Sun" yesterday and enjoyed it. Certainly could relate to her early feelings of being alone and wondering if love would ever show up.

Received notification that my Amazon order had shipped, at least part of it. Now, will I be disciplined enough to stay on an exercise schedule?
Did go to my "Work in Progress" folder and did a little writing done yesterday.