At This Point in Time

Temporarily helping a parent. Miss my life.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I Agonize

over the dumbest things. For instance, my DD is to send any important mail to me while I am in NE. There is not a lot that comes in besides junk mail because now days, you can do almost anything over the net. Well, she has been working loooonng hours (until 1 or 2 in the morning) and was suppose to send my insurance card a couple of weeks ago. Did not get it. Finally called her last week. She said I could probably get it over the net but would get my stuff in the mail. It did not arrive as of today. So, finally, called the insurance co. and had them fax me one. Well, have never used the fax on the computer to receive 'em, just send a couple. And it worked!! I was amazed. All that agonizing for nothing!!! Agonizing and two worst enemies in line behind myself.