At This Point in Time

Temporarily helping a parent. Miss my life.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Cut and Run

I really have to be careful these days. Trying to put the best spin on my crappy exist.. situation I find my tolerance level hovering near and sometimes below, the zero level.

Have an old acquaintance that consistantly tells me I am wrong when I attempt to explain a computer or software problem. He does not know any more than I do since his is a completely different Operating System. There are days I sit on my hands before I email him back. I know the so called "problem" with him is nothing, what I am concerned about is my fuse length. Just had a light bulb moment, I am doing better with Mom, so maybe just redirecting some of the anger..As long as I get rid of it in some form or fashion, that is the main thing for my health!! Feel better already.

I have downloaded some pictures to use in my new project that I am calling Sharon's Pastel Period. Hoping to find a small drafting style work table. There were a couple at an auction some time past but I did not know then I would be in the market for one. Surely one will show up soon. I have a friend who puts her desires out in the universe and she usually gets what she asked for sooner or later. It has worked for her on jobs, furniture and a steady BF, so hey, guess I need to give it a shot!