At This Point in Time

Temporarily helping a parent. Miss my life.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Nice Visit

with my nephew and his wife yesterday. I happened to mention the OK City crew wants me to go with them to Michigan for a week in May. They both thought it was a very good idea. I am just going to play it by ear as I have to do on all my "escapes".

They also found a date for their big BBQ party and it is scheduled for April 15th. The problem with dates for them is quite a few of their friends have bands and to find a date when no one is scheduled to play can be tough. Both Dale and Deb have had, or played in bands in the past. I think I will be doing a batch of shrimp stuffed jalapenos on the grill for it. I gave him a jalapeno cooked in the shape of the state of Texas for helping out with Mom and think he wants to see someone else use it first.

Talked to my Corpus Christi friend and she was waiting for the release papers to get out of the hospital. The conclusion is she seems to have breast cancer but the mammograms did not show anything certain, but were not 100% clear. Biopsies sent to another lab for followup. Right now, looking at chemo and possible radiation later. The clots slowing dissovling. Doc told her she could do what she wanted and felt like except sky diving and rock climbing.

Almost time to sling some hash so will head downstairs shortly.