She's At It Again
I thought Mom was over this but guess a leopard really does NOT change it's spots. My son called me late last night and he was happy to report some things going right at work for a change. That is a big change and it was nice to hear the difference in his voice. We were on the phone for a good hour or so and upon hanging up, I was wide awake so got on the internet. Mom has a lifeline set up and the unit blinks with a green light when the phone is being used. This unit is downstair on a desk. At around 1:30 a.m. I thought I heard a noise and walked out to the stairs and leaned over the railing. Now, it was dark and I could not see anything but I just stood there listening. Just below my feet she said "yes" I flipped on the stairwell light and there she stood, about halfway up the first flight of stairs. She had gone to the bathroom and had seen the light blinking so was "sneaking" up to see what I was doing. I have tried to tell her that it blinks when I am online but she doesn't understand what that means. I really had thought she would not try to climb the stairs in the dark anymore but once again, the ol' gal proves me wrong! Geesh!!
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