At This Point in Time

Temporarily helping a parent. Miss my life.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Only Rain

The rains came last night and we were fortunate that was all we received. Some folks got hail and there were tornado warnings around. I did the usual of unplugging my computer just to be on the safe side.

Received the final two books from yesterday. I was pleased as sometimes when you order and receive them, it is not exactly what you want. There was a cookbook on my list last month but I held off on ordering it and checked it out at Barnes and Noble. Was not what I anticipated so got it off my list.

The Rivers Ran East is just as good as when I read it many, many years ago. I am really enjoying it. The Trigger Point Therapy Workboookhas produced good results for me in less than twenty-four hours. A quick twenty second stress reducer that can be done at any time, for as many times as you would like was great. I think I got to sleep in record time last night. I found the trigger points I need to work on to help reduce the head and neck pain I get at times, so feel I am on the right track there.

The third book is a little different story. It means I must quite procrastinating! It is First Draft in 30 Days. Just from what I have read so far, I can see where progress can be made so will give it a try. Of course I am down to less than 30 days when I plan to head south, procrastination is raising its' head once again!