At This Point in Time

Temporarily helping a parent. Miss my life.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


I finished the mowing before it hit 90 today. For that I am eternally grateful. I also missed the garter snake this time. I was going slow enough to stop and let him slither away.

One of the PBS shows I enjoy is the detective one. Watched with interest the one on Calf Creek Arrow. The one on Goring's Gun was interesting also.


The 5000+ year old bison skull was donated to a Natural History museum in Norman OK., just a hop and a skip from where my son lives. I am planning on visiting the museum on my next trip south.

I have almost reached the half way point with the afghan. The problem on these hot days is it's bulk. Just too hot to have it on your lap. So, now, I have an excuse to watch TV in the evenings, with the window unit on. Mom has central air downstairs but being as old and frail as she is, does not feel the heat like I do.

Comments always welcome.