At least I hope that is what happens. Mom took another tumble, one of her own doing but caught herself on Dad's recliner. Just needed help regaining her feet. It was a bad weekend with her being extra bossy and me reacting to it. She finally admitted she says things she shouldn't. But, doesn't quite do it.
Anyway I brought up again that when I go to Texas she has to go next door as she cannot stay alone and she said "yes, I know". But today she has been different and quiet. Not sure what is going on in her head. One thing , and maybe the main thing she is concerned about, is the outside water and sprinkler system as they are predicting a freeze in a couple of days. I had it shut off and drained and the sprinkler system is set to turn on and drain any water left in it so I think it is good to go but, if she asked me once, she asked me several times about it. Hopefully that is all that is on her mind.
Just had a surprise phone call. #2 son called my number instead of his buddy's so we got to chat a minute.