At This Point in Time

Temporarily helping a parent. Miss my life.

Monday, November 29, 2004


Still in OK Ciy and having the head/vertigo problems..what a bummer.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Just Relaxing

It feels so good.....just relaxing..did not ever get out of PJ's yesterday.
Will have to do a few things today but that is OK..

Friday, November 26, 2004

First Leg

Made the trip safely to OK City. Weather and roads were great!!

Headed South

The heading says it all.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Day Before

This will not be to hectic. It is nice to not be worrying about putting a big dinner on for a change. Will bake rolls today and get things ready to make scalloped oysters tomorrow. Finish packing and probably a grocery store run for Mom. They may have my plow disk stand ready at the welding shop so will check that out.

It is 25 out. Yuk

Still miss ol' what's his name.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Just Up, not At 'em

Mom finally mentioned that the anniversary of Dad's passing is coming up. Will be taking an arrangement to the cemetery today. Wish it was a little warmer out.

As I mentioned yesterday. Down to the wire on packing. Maybe that is why I woke up so early this morning.

It seems I have run out of steam on the writing project. I am still jotting notes down, though, so that is a good thing.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Impetus, Wherefor Art Thou

It seems I remember always doing better under the gun. Going down to the wire and pulling off whatever needed doing. Those days must have gone the way of the dodo bird.

I need energy and impetus. Where the heck did they go? If any one locates 'em, send them this way. I will embrace them like the Prodigal Son.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Cornish Today

Thirtytwo and overcast but I am putting a cornish game hen in a small Dutch Oven for Sunday dinner and cooking it outside.

Not much at the auction but was nice to get out.

Put some of the random chapters together. Up to 68 pages. Wonder if the trip south will be the end? I plan on having time to do some writing. But not everyday.

I have an external hard drive and when writing, I have been careful almost every time to back it up. My computer still does strange things but not as often. Last night lost a paragraph and it was rather upsetting.

I checked two different forecasts. One says Thursday and Friday with snow showers. One says partly cloudy. I vote for the partly cloudy. As if I have a vote!

Saturday, November 20, 2004


After several days of rain and/or overcast there is a visible sunrise.

Something clicked, or the Muse just smiled, wrote five pages in about 30 minutes. I have not checked but know it is up to 65 pages or so. Funny thing (not sure if ha-ha or peculiar) is, I wrote the ending. Now have to fill in the middle. At least at this point in time I know how it ends.

I heard from my friend who is moving to the hill country . She is excited that I may be there in about 12 days. So am I.

Today is auction day. I hope there is something good.

Friday, November 19, 2004


Struck last night. Or rather, after midnight. Instead of being productive and writing, I just read random blogs. Now I'm ready for a nap. Maybe after my second cuppa, I just might do that.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Ruminations Here and There

I am not exactly sure where this is going this morning. It was brought on by checking the time and realizing I had not heard Mom up and about. A quick trip downstairs and found her finished dressing. She had seemed quite tired yesterday. When I asked her about it, all she remarked was that she was tired. I think a lot of the problem is her being bored. She is limited to what she can do. It is too cold on the front porch for her to sit and watch people as she does in the spring and summer. Takes a couple of daily walks in the hospital. (Small town and her house is right next door.) She read two newspapers, has a novel going and the rest of the time works word puzzles or naps in her chair.. The TV is on mostly for noise, I think.
Her hearing is bad but she won't wear the aid available .
I do the cooking and she puts the dishes in the dishwasher, runs it and puts them away. She still does her own washing.
At almost 92 not too bad. Our biggest problem is she thinks I am ready to live that lifestyle too.

My oldest son lives in Oklahoma working for the Gov. He is in a long term relationship with a woman who has two sons that live with them. They spent 10 months with me at one time and it was ROUGH! but we all survived and are pretty friendly these days. Her oldest is 21 and has CF. For the past 8 months or so, he ends up in the hospital for treatment about every 2 weeks on average. I cannot imagine how tough that would be as a mother.

Guess I am standing on the bridge again, between the caretaking and/or nurturing bank and the must take care of me bank. Hope I am not talking myself out of a trip south.

As I said at the beginning, just not sure where this is going but hope it passes soon. smile

Wednesday, November 17, 2004


I must start on the trip lists today. Otherwise it will sneak up on me and all will not be done.
And since the weather is in the 50-60's, should get the outdoor things done today.

Have not explained to Mom just when I plan on leaving but as soon as the weather forecasts look like it will be a go, I'll let her know. I need to check Meals on Wheels today . She stated she would "think" about that, and I need to find out the facts.

Just don't seem to have the energy I used to.

We are invited to the nephews for T-Day so Wed. the 25th will be shot as I have some baking to do. I will want to have the Baby Truck packed by then. Oh, my, yes, best get things in gear now!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Oh, Well

I have been trying to catch up to my youngest son, the one who is in California on business.
No luck and today is his birthday! Guess I will just have to wait until he's back overseas and call him there.

It is in the high 40's today, suppose to make 62 or so. A heat wave!.

I counted last night and was surprised to find 48 pages and over 10,000 words. Now I am doing ramdom chapters and wonder if I will ever pull it all together.

The trip lists are in the making. But do not want to get to excited in case the weather does me in. Back to checking the long range forecast.

Monday, November 15, 2004

An Afternoon Out

The Chili cookoff was fun but no winner here. Speaking as a Texan by choice, I have to note there was only one true chili there. No beans and no tomato sauce, just true chili.

Now I need to gear up and pack a couple of items to get mailed and then, write, write, write.
Am using the Escape South Soon mode to push me into writing as much as possible before I leave. I'll soon see if it works.

Ho hum, another Monday.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Shame on Me

In that floating, sinking space that comes just before sleep, had several scene ideas but just couldn't rouse enough to put pen to pad. Maybe they will float by in the light of day.

Cold, still and overcast this morning and it fits my mood. I have a friend who lives in Gulfport, Ms. and he cannot stand the days without sunshine. I like standing and playing in warm rain, not the cold winter kind we get here. The sound of rain sooths my soul. I must qualify that statement, though. I am not including storms like Florida and others experienced during hurricane season.

Off to Lincoln, today. Just getting out will be good.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Clear and Cold

21 degrees this morning. Sun is peeking through the trees. High cirrus clouds to the south.

Going to cook chili today using one of my camp cast iron pots. But will do it on the gas stove in the house, not outside. I'm such a wimp.

I have looked ahead weather wise as far as I can, which is a 10 day forecast. So far, so good. My escape is still on track.

Last night after shutting the computer down had some thoughts on my writing project. I did jot down notes as thoughts in my head are like running water in a sieve these days. But I finally had to get up and turn the computer on and do some work. Up to 40 pages after last nights midnight raid on the word processor.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Frosty Friday

Heavy frost this morning..The back forty is white. Probably not too long when it will be white by the "other" stuff.

Need to pick up meat for my chili. Question is, where. I really don't feel like the 80 mile round trip to Lincoln.

I am up to 37 pages. Just one page at a time and you will get there.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Deserves a Separate Post

No ranting in this post.

Just a thanks to all the Veterans who have served over the years.
I still have a son who will be in harms way. He is due to go back again to Iraq after the 1st of the year. A combat Medic.

One son who has retired. Two others who served their time and got out.

Freedom only rings because of our great Veterans!


I know, I know, I should take out the H and add another N.

Yesterday was too much arguing with Mom. Still feeling pretty punk when I get up.
I took antihistimine yesterday and last night hoping my head would get straight and that did not work. I hope to feel good enough to do the chili cook off this weekend.

Only worked on three pages in the writing project. I have not been able to reach #4 son who normally lives in Germany, but is in San Diego for a couple of weeks. Today is ex s.o.'s birthday.
It is 26 outside this morning. I am not in Texas.

Okay, okay, finished whining for today.

I am alive, awake and breathing. It is a new day to make choices or not. I choose to be in a much better frame of mind. Feel better already!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Have a set back with the "not quite vertigo" condition.

Don't feel too bad this morning but ready for it to be gone!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Going Down Hill

It will be down hill after today. Only in the low 60's for a high and one more auction to attend. This one is outside. Friday night it will be in the teens.

Uneventful yesterday. Even mentally.

Well, not quite. I did work on a Power of Attorney, Medical Power of Attorny and a Will. I plan on getting them signed and inform the offspring that it is finally done on my trip south.

I have a question for the writers. I write with the word processor on my computer and will go back to reread and make changes. Then wondered if I would keep all the changes I have made. So maybe I should print out a draft now and again, to let it sit, before reading and changing? I felt there was not a right or wrong way to do this, but wondered what anyone else did. Are your CP's friends or fellow writers?

Monday, November 08, 2004

Up and Sort of At 'em

Woke early and decided I must start the exercise portion of my day..not much, kind of easing into it. Was 36 degrees out and I only walked for 15 minutes, but, hey, it is a start.

Confession time...since ex s.o. has been on my mind so much, picked up the phone last night and made THE call. Had a nice 30 minute conversation, my feelings shifted to neutral so hopefully it was a good thing for me. Don't care what it was for him. I think taking action was the best part for me, regardless how it turned out.

This is the week to get ready for the Chili Cookoff. I am looking forward to it.

Also gave Mom fair warning I would be making a trip south soon. She said she had been expecting that.

Life goes on.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Still There

It seems I wake up every morning with ex s.o. on my mind. Sure wish that stage would get over.

Decided to make some auctions this weekend as they will become scarce for a couple of months. Did not stay long yesterday as I went for some information on old Maytag engines. One of the workers helped me out so left early. There is one at noon today with collectibles and one Tuesday.

I need to get back to longer periods of writing but the weather was unseasonably warm and I know that won't last so spent some time out-of-doors also.

Smell the java and I am ready for it!

Later: type to fast and don't proofread like I should!!

Saturday, November 06, 2004

So Far So Good

Spent a couple of hours at the Drs. Tried to get me to commit to many more tests but won't do it at this point in time. The ones they did came out fine so I am ready to leave well enough alone!

Of course, I was being "kind" and told Mom I had a Dr.s appointment. About an hour and a half into it, the nurse came in and said "Your Mother is here" and I about lost it. If it wasn't for her, I would not have been there. Too much stress. Told her to have her wait in the waiting room. She would not..just wandered the halls..

Anyway, need to get back to exercising to help relieve the stress. So much easier said than done.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Here at Las

Tried to blog this morning but could not get in!

Truck is back and hopefully the last $$ to put in it for a long while.

Now, finally going to check me out..hate to spend the $ on that but guess I had better.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Right the First Time

When I first had the intermittent "weird" noise (I know that's not a technical term, but since I can't vocalize it, it's the best I can do) in the Baby Truck I told the mechanic to check all the starter connections, etc. as I thought that was where the problem lay. Of course, it would not make that noise when he had it. Everything seemed O.K. according to him. The next thing I started on was the possibility it was the battery or the battery cables. Well, he did get by yesterday and guess what???? It is the starter! Would have been cheaper if it had been the battery! But, one is on order (out of Iowa)------yes, small town stuff again, nothing on the shelf ---so maybe I will have wheels again by the weekend. What a bummer.

The attorney I saw on Tuesday was very enlightening and helpful. It was a pleasant experience, much to my surprise and the almost hour consultation was at no cost. That was the real surprise.

Yesterday I piddled with some writing, will need to get cracking today.

I may have resolved a few of the gremlins on my computer by zapping the PRAM. We'll see.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


27 with heavy frost..and just before sunup, heavy fog rolled in.

Waiting on the mechanic to come by and check the battery..I think that is my, hopefully, last problem for a while.

I did get a little writing done last night. Had some questions for fellow writers but darn if I can remember this morning. Back to the notepad...

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The Day

Have not touched on politics here but am very concerned. I voted absentee but have no faith that it will be counted.

A girl friend came by with some wine last night. It seemed to really bother Mom. She got really snippy. I assume I am to have no life at all. S.o. is gone so you would think that would be enough. She always complained because Dad said he liked being waited on. Guess she thinks it is her turn now.

I need to get moving. Have an appointment with an estate attorney out of town this morning.
Will not use the local boys, I know too much about their practices.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Hard to Believe

That this is the first of November. Time flys wether you are having ANY fun or not.

Did talk Mom into driving to Lincoln and eating ribs at Dales. Ribs were good but it will take him a time or two to get it just right. (Remember I'm from Texas, been doing ribs a long time.) He has a new Bradly Smoker. It was good for Mom to get out. Took her the old way into Lincoln on Highway 6 and think she really enjoyed the ride. We did not stay long. Drove back to her house under cloudy skies and woke this morning to a light rain. Lows this week to be in the 20's.

Have a long TO DO list for this week so need to get crackin' on it shortly. Must visit my favorite blogs first, though.

Writing seems to be sputtering along. Had some thoughts while in bed last night (was reading and they just popped up so reached for a pad and pen) and now know a "need" in the market place. Tried to write on a pad half propped up and none of the pens would work more than 3 or 4 words. A Prone Position Pen guaranteed to write even if you are upside down sounds good to me. Guess I will just have to switch to a pencil..darn!