At This Point in Time

Temporarily helping a parent. Miss my life.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Must get

out and about this a.m. An artic blast due in sometime today. Will stock up on groceries and order beef cut for a sit down dinner (as opposed to buffet) for the nephew and his wife. That is their present this year. They have already started cutting back on "stuff" that they don't use, has no sentimental value, and/or needs dusting, etc. so I was glad to have planned this ahead of time. Also need to pick up B.D. cards. Three daughter-in-laws have BDs in December.

Monday, November 27, 2006

My Procrastination

needs a real boot in the rear. Today and tomorrow will be the best 2 days this week to be out as the weather is due to change drastically tomorrow evening. I have a couple of packages I need to get out and must do it.

The folks who do the farming for us brought their usual poinsettia gift to the house yesterday. It is HUGE! and gorgeous. Hopefully it will last as I still keep the house warmer that I would like so Mom is somewhat comfortable. I don't keep it on 80 day and night as she use to but run between 76 and 78 day and down to 73 - 74 at night.

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Started the slow cooker this morning in the dark and did not get it plugged in correctly so now running and hour behind. Oh, well, if that is the only thing that goes wrong today makes it a pretty good day.

Took a couple of valerian root capsules last night to try and get a good nights sleep. I did sleep heavier but what a dream. Was a semi prisoner in a house and escaped with a couple of friends and my granddaughters, in an older standard shift truck! What a play on real events. (the truck and the need to get out of Nebraska) The scary part was when we topped a steep hill, rolled down into a tunnel and my last thought before waking up was "this is a real adventure" but did not have any fear.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Food for Thought

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Off TO a

downer start. Made this a shower morning since we are going to my nephews. Of course, grumbling from you know who.

Now to get me in a better frame of mind. I will flip the switch and do it..

Besides the home made dinner rolls I made a smoked salmon cracker spread to take today. Did not make it "heavy" on the smoked salmon side since you never know how others will react.

Will shift the vehicles later on. Will get the Buick warmed up before getting Mom in.

I wish everyone a safe and happy T-Day.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


of yeserday at noon. I left and no slamming of cup etc. What a trip she is.

I have been checking out several Mac forums to see what some of the problems are with the new dual core iMacs and the Operating Systems. And of course, there are issues. I have about resigned my self to the fact I will keep this Mac for some of the applications that I use. The next questions, when, where and which on a new one. Guess I will keep researching. Something should jump out soon. Have even figured out where I will set up the old one.

Monday, November 20, 2006

I am

a little grumpy today! Ha...I am sure there is a better word but anyway, received an email of a Thanksgiving DOG going on in my old haunt on the Texas coast. Man, miss all the good stuff.

The other thing that puts me in a foul mood is this scenario: at the end of dinner Mom was pulling her usual remarks about being finished with eating etc. as tho I am a child, cleaning the kitchen for the first time and have to be told there are more dishes to be put in the dishwasher. Now, she must be pushing my buttons for all she's worth as we have had a discussion about this several times before AND the other thing she does is SLAM her coffee cup down so I am sure to notice she is done with that also. So, today, when she started I just left the kitchen until she was finished with her dessert and coffee. I was in a position to see what she did...well, no surprise, when she finished her coffee, just sat it down as quietly as possible. At some point, I use to think I was imagining that she did this crap on purpose. Well, no more..She damn well does!!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

If The Time

you get ready for bed (not the time you go) is a gauge for depression, I'm in serious trouble. Just showered and got into the ol' p.j.'s.


line of online security going up at the bank I use. Just hope I can remember all the different answers to the login questions. I did not use to be concerned about my memory but, well, you know.....age and all that.

Still have not decided what else to make to take to the nephew's for T-Day. I keep thinking I want to do something in the cute little crock pot I hauled back from Texas. I used it twice while there and twice since I have been back.

A surprise note from the ex s.o. Received a call from him about a used truck that might be available, but that they were going to check the vin number to see what the axial ratio might be. Hmmmm

Working on some feng shui the last couple of days. I rearranged things while still at the coast and had fun doing it. Guess the sprucing up of the walls the first of the week has me in a "just do it" mood. My daughter was so happy that I finally did a project, bless her heart. She may use the same idea for her guest bathroom until she decided what real changes she wants to make. As she put it, "something to make me happier instead of those darn mallard ducks in there." They have lived with the ducks for 9 years and she is ready to get rid of them but as they are putting on a new patio and metal roof for the house will hold off for a while doing anything major. A role of paper would not break the bank.

Friday, November 17, 2006


This was shower morning again for Mom. She just hates it but doesn't argue (at least not this a.m.). When I get my coffee around 6 a.m. turn the thermostat up and start a space heater in the bathroom. So far she has not tried the "too cold" argument. Even put her clothes on the radiator so they are warm. I have asked in the past, "doesn't a shower make you feel better?" and the answer is always "no" so I quit asking. LOL

I need to look for a new project. Had started a new pastel for the 10 year old's bedroom but after talking to my daughter, may put it aside. She wants some Hawaiian flowers so guess that will be the new art project.

Thought about going to an auction close by for a little bit tomorrow but not sure if I will. Did not make any arrangements for someone to be with Mom. I could run over for a few minutes and leave a couple of bids. Might do that.

The weather is still looking good for the next week which makes me happy.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Well, that project is done. I think I used about 50 square ft. of paper. I will use this stuff again.

My nephew called and Mom and I are invited for turkey day. I was asked to bring dinner rolls and whatever so sounds good to me. Need to find my recipe book with all my dutch oven goodies. Hope I did not leave it in Texas.

Feels like nap time..ta-ta

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Originally uploaded by sfinds2003.

an in progress photo


Originally uploaded by sfinds2003.

about 3 hours to do..

Just Damn!!

The before photo finally posted but who the hell knows what happened to the after!!


Originally uploaded by sfinds2003.

The "bad" wall.

Ahhhh, Life's Simple Pleasures

Made one cup of the Chocolate Rhaspberry coffee after lunch. By George, if I am not able to sleep at night will have a wonderful reason..This is really good stuff. Heated some half and half in a cup, ground the beans and made just one super cup of java..Whooee, will get right back on that wall paper job!!

The Cold Blast Day

The winds arrived around 4 a.m., the time I finally got to sleep. It will be a cold blustery day then some 50's for highs the next week.

The change in Mom's schedule isn't too bad now, and I can live with it. She goes to bed around 10:05 or so (right after the weather report) instead of 11, but now gets up at seven, give or take 5 to 10 minutes. It use to be eight or so. I set up her coffee pot at night. Coffee in the morning is another change, use to be green tea for breakfast and supper with coffee mid morning and at noon. Now, green tea only at supper time. Getting coffee every morning while in Friend Care is the reason. She likes coffee. What she drinks is, in reality, only colored water though. Wants it fairly weak.

My coffee beans arrived and earlier I said a French Roast. How quickly we forget. It is a Costa Rican Dark coffee. My friends had brought me back some when they vacationed there and it was really good so that is what my 5 lbs consists of. Also got a pound of Chocolate Rhaspberry. Not sure when I will try it.

Hopefully the paper delivery is now straight. Received both papers this a.m. I believe the one delivery boy had to be contacted by his manager. Of course, there is always the chance someone had been taking it.

What dull subjects. Here are some more.

I did subscribe to Cottage Living and sure dream about my own place again, one day. Some neat ideas that I will need to clip and save. One is the table top water garden. I think I would try some "floaters" first. They suggest Water Lettuce, Duckweed, Water Hyacinth and Sweet Flag to name a few.

Picked up dinner to go yesterday after getting my hair cut. It was offered in a bar next to the beauty shop. (small town for sure). Anyway, was turkey and dressing, (a real turkey, not a compressed turkey roll) potatoes and gravy, green beans, roll and a piece of pumpkin pie. Plenty for both of us and the cost, a flat $5.00. And there was even left overs. What a bargin!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Long Haul

If winter goes as slow as the past week, it will be a really long haul.

I finally spoke with a guy who "might" know what the problem is with what I want to get in the way of a different vechicle. I guess it just isn't feasible. sigh
To get the engine I want next year will have to wait until the 3rd quarter. I think what that means is the manufacturing plant tools for specifics and the 4.8L is due to start then. They probably only tool for a couple of different engines at a time. Do I wait? Sixty four dollars question.

A more current problem is the computer. Fewer and fewer sites that I can get on due to my old IE. It has not been supported for 2 - 3 years. I checked into the upgrade and for the $$ I would need to spend, would almost rather put it into a new computer. Thought I had myself talked into a lap top but to go down from a 15 inch screen to a 13 inch just doesn't appeal. I can go larger (a MacPro) but then the money...sigh.

My next project here will be a wall papering job in the room I inhabit most of the day. It is suppose to resemble the faux paint finishes without the work. We'll see. I am taking my daughters word on this that it looks really cool.

Have a 5 lb box of French Roast coffee beans due to be delivered today. The wall paper tomorrow and the Clapton/Cable CD next week.

Going to try to set up a Home Health Aid for a few hours on Sat. so I can attend an auction in relative peace. Will see if it can be done.

Have not talked to my nephew to see if anything is going on for Turkey Day. Would really like to get Mom out for a change. Took the Buick out for a run yesterday and it did just fine so she would have a comfortable ride. Guess I will check with them by this weekend.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Rough Adjustment

Life back in Nebraska is still tough. To keep from worrying about the baby truck on the trip back, I attempted to "adjust" to my situation with not much luck. The good things are:

1. Mom has learned to do more for herself while in Friend Care
2. I think she like some aspects of being around others

But I do have a tough wake up call as of Wed. My 24 year old Granddaughter may have cancer. Nothing for sure yet but something serious is wrong. Please think good thoughts for her.

My goals in Texas were at least partially met. I made it to the party and got to see several friends that I had not seen in a long while. So anything else above and beyond that was pure gravy!

Also was invited and went on a couple of scooter rides with the ex s.o.

I am now in the market for a new truck. Wish I could have found something before the trip back but maybe after the first of the year. I did willing walk into a dealership and talk to a salesman but it was easy this time as I knew they did NOT have what I wanted.

Found out about a wall paper called illusions that should be easy (I hope) to use and will try a roll to do one wall in the bedroom I am presently in. Will let you know how it turns out. It is a little pricey but suppose to look like old stuff.

The Nemo pastel I did for the little one was a hit I think. She is better towards me but later said she wanted me to leave as I made her "nervous". What she parrots to people is what her big sister says to her. Some of it funny.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


They never did discover what was really wrong with Baby Truck but she did get me back. Sure was nervous, not knowing what might happen at ANY minute! Had a pretty good time in spite of it but sure did not get to go to the places I would have liked. But such is life.