At This Point in Time

Temporarily helping a parent. Miss my life.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Checking In

I am finally up in the Texas Hill Country, having an early morning cup of wonderful coffee.
Naturally, the trip did NOT go as planned. My SIL had sinus surgery so was at home. For some strange reason, he decided not to take it easy and they painted the girls' bedroom and had new floors laid, and he is a perfectionist, need I say more? So I have been busy, babysitting, cooking and trying to keep quiet, (and that was the hard part) and out of the way.
My friends here just left for the airport in San Antonio and their trip to Costa Rica. I am looking forward to just vegging for a while.
I hope all had a good Christmas and a safe and happy New Year!
The highlight of the last week was going to the Alamo Bowl with my daughter and Nebraska winning. Was pretty neat as we had not done anything together for a long time!

Monday, December 12, 2005

Moving On

to Texas. Probably in the morning.
Woke up with an itchy rash, wonder what that is about? Hope I haven't become allergic to shrimp!
The kids had a movie they wanted to watch. Not for me. I did sit through the start but that was about all. It was called Cinderella Man.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Still cooling

my heels in OK City. Had a cold snap and some snow. I am mostly cooking and reading as the kids go about their lives. Jim will get Sunday off so that should be a good day. Shrimp scampi on the menu, salad, baguettes with seasoned butter, wine and maybe a bread pudding with rum sauce. Hmmm now I am hungry!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Suppose to get winter weather here today. Hopefully won't last long.

Will take a break from cooking. Yesterday made Carne Adovada and it was sooooooo good.
Don't plan on doing much until Sat. when the weather should be much better. Will check over the truck and shoot for going to a flea market.
My SIL in San Antonio had sinus surgery yesterday and so far, all is going just fine in the recovery period.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Chilly here

but no snow yet.

I was glad Texas beat Colorado yesterday. Now, on to the Rose Bowl. The Spurs beat Philly last night so for me, 2 out of 2 is great. Doesn't happen too often.

Going to fix some curried chicken this afternoon. Probably inside instead of outside in a dutch oven. Will just have to see, though.

Jim works a swing shift so leaves for work about 2:15 in the afternoon. Dee works graveyards and leaves about 10:30 P.M. So, doesn't really matter when you cook. It eithers gets taken to work or consumed later.

Friday, December 02, 2005

So Far

so good. Made it to OK city. Will be ready to spend a few days here. Bummer though as Jim has to work both weekends I am here.

Mom was upset but when she found out I had "taken" care of her, was much better. I don't know why she thinks I would not.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Test

to see if Baby Truck will start in the COLD weather will happen this afternoon.
Will try to pay the City bill and stock up on some groceries for Mom.

I shovelled snow last night around 6 p.m. It had stopped snowing at that point but started again. Finally quit around 10 or so. That made it much easier to shovel today. I did part of the driveway and the walk early this morning. Rod and his wife came by and finished up. I was hoping they would. They are much younger! Ha

If I can get out and do the shopping OK, will go by the hospital and get the Meals on Wheels started for tomorrow. Would like to get on the road by 8:30 tomorrow morning. There is another storm headed this way and I hope to be in OK City by the time it is in Nebraska. Wish me luck!