At This Point in Time

Temporarily helping a parent. Miss my life.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Great Birthday

Great Birthday
Originally uploaded by sfinds2003.

The best Birthday Card I recieved this year and inside it said

Happy birthday to a Lifetime Member of the Screw-getting-older Club.

Friday, February 16, 2007


Just finished a pan of biscuits in that blankty blank Amana Radarange Convection Oven. This is about the 3rd one Mom bought over the years. I never liked ANY of them. cook faster due to the hot air flowing around. Yeah, right! I can't hardly get anything brown in there. It takes forever for stuff to cook. Finally resorted to the directions (when all else fails) and they did mention sometimes you need to let it preheat waaaaaaaay past when it beeps that it is up to temp. I also preheat the pan in there as figured a cold pan would absorb cook heat..well, it may have helped to get the insides done.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

About Finished

with doing much else for the new computer. Got a pair of speakers in and that makes it nice. Still have to get some work off the old one and was going to print it but now can't get the printer to work on it. Arrrrch spent way to much time trying to get it done. I do plan to get the old one fixed and add an external DVD player. Finally decided it would be nice to have in my studio in Texas.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

What Fun

Still having a blast with the computer. Discovered iTunes and have downloaded a few. Put the list on shuffle and let it run. Also copied my favorites from CDs so do not have to go through the whole album. Can hardly wait to have a party someday and run it. I do need to get some external speakers.

Working some each day to transfer pages (wish it was chapters) to the new Word Processing Application. Just hope the old computer doesn't crash before I get it completed.

Another auction coming up this Sat. here in town. Hopefully will get a couple of sellers. There are quite a few people around here doing the eBay thing.

My Flamingo did much better than I expected on eBay. Thought I was going to have to start a collection as I went way over the price I first thought I would stop at during the auction. So put it up with a reserve, just hoping to break even. Making a profit was pure gravy!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

almost 94

almost 94
Originally uploaded by sfinds2003.

Finally got a snap of Mom this morning. She looks pretty good for coming up on 94 next month.

Doing more stuff with the new computer and applications than I thought I would be doing. It sure is fun.