Another Attempt
Also got the flashing fixed around the chimney yesterday afternoon so hopefully no more leaking in the attic. Had the Heating and AC guys out from Milford the day before yesterday. Wanted to make sure the water along the chimney was not condensation from having the new boiler installed 18 months ago and it needed a liner. Well, such a sweet kid and really looked it over, even climbed on the roof and found the flashing needed resealing. So, also had him service the A/C as it was close to 70 degrees. That way I only had to pay for one trip as their service calls start at $50.
Now, next week have getting the mower serviced on my list of things to do and I will be done with spring chores. I hope!
Found a place to get the old 35mm slides converted to a DVD so will get those finished sorting and on their way by the end of next week.
I still find myself the Queen of Procrastination, though.
There was a reduction of 14 points in my total cholesterol this last trip to the health fair for blood work. I was happy. Now to get it down even more. I used oatmeal and niacin for a couple of months to do that little trick. Now, if I would just get off my butt and add some exercise it would sure help.