At This Point in Time

Temporarily helping a parent. Miss my life.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Made it out to the local farmers coffee hangout this morning for a cuppa. Was nice to get out for a bit. Tried to catch up with the fellow that does our farming but he was out of town. I'm thinking of pulling the trigger on what corn is in storage if it reaches $3.75 here.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Made It

out to walk almost a mile this morning. Still dark and about 22 degrees. Geez, I really have been here too long!

I've got to get back to reducing portions big time.


slide out of November into December.

Nephew and his wife brought out a ham dinner yesterday. Made a remark that they may be quitting doing this. Well, they did not do it last year and I certainly don't expect it so guess I need to bring it up and get it clarified soon. They use to do it all the time the last few years Dad was alive. As far as I'm concerned, they did not have to do it this year or any year. He is extremely opinionated and I have excused some of it due to the fact he had no choice over who his mother is but I'm less inclined to do that as time goes on. Of course, I understand kindness is located in a frontal lobe of the brain and as one ages that area declines so will just attribute my lack of kindness to loss of frontal lobe cells and figure his is accelerated.

It is what it is.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thank Goodness

I did find someone to come and replace the hot water heater and a good thing. By the time they arrived it was really getting bad. Would not have made it until Monday without shutting water off and still might have flooded the basement before then.

Of course it all came at a big price. $672.00. I remember days when it was MUCH cheaper!! Yea, the good ol' days..LOL

Friday, November 23, 2007

Another Thing

I hate about small town living. Yesterday discovered the hot water heater is leaking fairly badly. Called and found a replacement in a town 18 miles away. So far, so good. When can they install ????? a week from today! Fellow is on vacation. They did call someone else and he is older, can't get them up and down the steps but will "see" if he can make it before Monday. Near a BIG town, there would be someone to do it either today or tomorrow.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


So far, everyone is OK. Travel has really been rough for some of the kids.

Anyway, chicken stuffed and in the oven. Bottle of wine chilling and I am having a real problem feeling thankful. I do have things to be thankful for, just wish I was being thankful in Texas.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Flying By

#3 son arrived about 7:30 Thursday evening and took off before 6 a.m. the next morning. Mom was already in bed. She had said she would stay up but of course, denied it she said that, and went to bed before 7.

It was really good to see him and we had a good visit and a bottle of champagne.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Just heard yesterday that #3 son who is driving to Texas from Alaska was in Montana. He is hoping to see some friends in Colorado today and just maybe, will be here tomorrow night. If not, should be Friday. I am so excited to see him even though it will be a quick pass through.

Mom is now very depressed which I can understand. What she does not understand is her choices made in the last 15 years not only affected her but those who are around her now. No hearing aid and no cataract operation. Now, not hearing has put her in mostly isolation as we cannot visit with her. Not seeing means no more reading the newspaper or books. So sad. Hope I remember to do better in the next few years if I survive this period of time.

Friday, November 09, 2007


Originally uploaded by sfinds2003
My favorite NBA mascot! Go Spurs Go


Originally uploaded by sfinds2003
A view of the lake close to the RV area where we were cooking.


Originally uploaded by sfinds2003
Margie and me in front of an Oklahoma Indiana teepee. I cannot remember the tribe.


Originally uploaded by sfinds2003
This is a shot of Lake D'Arbonne (sp) when we first arrived.

Thursday, November 08, 2007


Finally got the screaming over with Mom. Don't know what I would have done if it had not been mostly resolved.

Took her to the Dr. today and thank goodness does not have a UTI. Has a red throat but they are going to treat it as viral right now. Getting her back on the nasal spray and back to two calium tabs a day. Give her a Tylanol PM if she gets me up to many times at night.

Received the Memory Foam topper for the bed and wow, it sure is nice. I swear I rested better. If it is a figment of my imagination, I don't care as long as it works.

The #3 son is driving to Dallas from Anchorage and hopefully will stop by here sometime next week. Will be great to see him and I hope the weather cooperates for him.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Cushman's on the Port A ferry.

Originally uploaded by sfinds2003
There were about 20 cushman's making the Corpus Christi Bay ride on October 27, 2007. The weather was beautiful.

This was on the ferry coming from Aransas Pass, Tx to Port Aransas, Tx.

brown pelicans at Cove Harbor, Rockport, tx

Originally uploaded by sfinds2003
While waiting for the group at Off the Hook got a nice shot of these guys.

Returned to Neb.

Had a great time on the trip. The Dutch Oven Gathering in La. was great and the cabin was fantastic! Had the best catfish I ever put in my mouth at a little restaurant in Ruston, LA. Was stuffed with a crawfish stuffing and a little sauce drizzled over the top. They also had a killer white chocolate bread pudding. Picked up some pottery at a studio there, also.

Got to see the DGD play volleyball and was able to help my daughter out with meals and grocery shopping for her.

Horse sat at the coast. That does get tiring as you are tied down and scooping poop not my idea of fun. LOL . All the animals are old (except one) and need meds and watching.

Got to take a Harley ride with the ex s.o. that was a surprise and lots of fun. Plus go to the Party at Off the Hook. Went on both Cushman rides, one around the back bay (Nueces) and one around the front bay (Corpus Christi) and was able to visit with old friends. Had some great food in Rockport at a new Italian place.

The down side. Throw out bearing in the clutch went so lost 4 days. It went out on a Friday afternoon, naturally. Did not get to go to Hunt to see a close friend because of the lost days.

Got Mom out of the manor and hate to say, she has really deteriorated, in my estimation. Screams for me now, which is a new development and about to drive me nuts. Back to yelling for me all night so not getting much rest. Hope it changes soon.