At This Point in Time

Temporarily helping a parent. Miss my life.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Wed. a.m.

I ended up getting on the road about 5:40 p.m. on Monday night. I knew I would not be able to sleep so decided to just get it on. There were a few scary patches where construction areas leave a lot to be desired. A retainer wall that "disappears" when on coming headlights blind you. But I made it and got to my destination in about 6 1/2 hours. I will head on to Texas tomorrow morning. The Baby Truck did great and got over 22 mpg.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Finishing Touches

Finished t he mowing today. Will have to make a recycle run yet, either today or tomorrow, gas up and maybe haul a large branch (and maybe not). I could be on the road in less than 30 minutes as far as loading the plan tomorrow is to take a nap in the afternoon hopefully. I usually cannot sleep much the night before a trip so think I will rest up during the day and head out waaaaay early.

Last night took a trip into Lincoln and had ribs at my nephews. He is getting it down pretty pat. I plan to try some more on my smoker this fall. While in Lincoln, picked up a new clip on sunglasses as I will need them while south. Geez, they are expensive and imagine they are made in China..

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Baby Is

back home and sorta "fixed". The Mechanic was sent the wrong part twice, the last time by Chrysler. Ye Gads, the idiots don't even know their own parts. Makes you want to get up on a tree stump and really vent! He finally made a salvage yard run and put together a controller that works. He also said there was no relay. I am not sure I believe that. In fact, I do NOT believe that but have always thought he was a pretty smart guy and honest. It will be into the Haynes when I get to OK City next week. I guess I need to go to a basic mechanic's class so I can do some of this stuff myself. sigh

I guess the only super smart mechanic I know is my ex s.o. A long, long time ago I talked to him about Mom's Buick and the need for alingment. His remark was, before you go to that expense, make sure the belts in the tire or tires have not separated. Well folks, I just had two tires put on because the belt HAD separated. And now, no extreme pull to the right. And he was the one to put me on the right track to finding out what was wrong when I had to get the truck towed while in Texas.
God, I miss a good mechanic..sigh

Friday, June 23, 2006

Charge 'em

for treason!! and my son is in harms way to protect them?? guess we have to take the scum along with the real Americans. God bless our troops.


Thursday, June 22, 2006

*@#!% Small Towns

Well, took Baby Truck in for an oil change AND to get a relay or whatever was need for the blower as the high speed was out and knew I would need it in Texas. I had it there early Tues. morning and it still is not back. Got a part ordered, it came in, was the wrong one. Supposedly found one in Lincoln and they were to mail it out yesterday and to be here today. Well, have not heard diddly or squat about the situation. It is basically a one man operation with some extra help at the shop and he stays busy but this is sort of over the top.


in the hell is the outrage about the two soldiers being murdered and mutilated? Oh, right, this is the US of A where the MSM is on "the other side".

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Just Damn

Went out to take care of a patch in the lower part of the back 40 and spilled gas on me. Time for a shower! Sawed a couple of branches down and will have to make a brush run when I get the Baby Truck out of the shop. Just have it in for an oil change and the relay for the high speed on the fan. I will need that if I get on the road next Tuesday for Texas. Hope he finds NOTHING else wrong!

Received a few sprinkles while mowing. Felt good. Wanted to get it evened up for the last mowing I will do before leaving.

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Left for the campground around 11:30 and met up with my nephew on the way. The park was quite nice. Two springfed lakes and one man made lake. Lots of wild geese, fish in the lakes, large trees with lots of shade. Free showers were available and not too bad. Friday afternoon was hot. I simmered beer brats in beer then finished them off by grilling. Later that night the local police (they made their rounds quite often) stopped at several spaces and told about a storm with hail not too far to the west. It finally started to rain and we all piled into the van. The first break in the rain I said I was heading for my tent and they rain to theirs. Later on the rain came in buckets along with thunder and lightning then the wind. It was pretty exciting!

Was cooler on Sat. I did some dutch oven cooking, we also grilled steaks, had a fire, made s'mores. All in all, a pretty good weekend.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Wouldn't You Know

Wind is blowing like crazy and the possibility of T-storms tomorrow night and I am suppose to be camping. Sounds like fun to me...just the cooking part might be a little tough with wind and rain!

Nephew called and we are still going to give it a shot. I think the worst chance for storms may be tonight. Just play it by ear. They have a van so if we all have to pile in, can do. Right now the wind is down. Hope it stays that way.

Later Again: Wind is picking up. Truck is almost packed. All that's left is the cooler and 2 DOs.
Oh, and the macaroni salad still in the frig. Hope I don't forget it!..Going to try some cowboy coffee in a glass pot..sure hope no "real" cowboys around. I've been up for hours, would like to get this show on the road and all of a sudden, I am fixated on a COLD beer. And it isn't even noon!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Such Tiny Retractions

Sunday, June 11, 2006


On my way to the garage to mow on Thursday, I passed a branch on the ground next to the garage. On it was perched a really young robin. Did not budge as I walked by. Sort of in the young stupid stage and mom was no where around. Got the mower out and proceeded to get it on. Periodically would be in a position to see the branch....and the baby bird still perched there.

After an hour into the job, I noticed the local bird and rabbit nemesis, the dreaded gray and white feline terror of 2nd street, slinking along, belly dragging, ears back and headed for the garage. My yells of shit..only caught his/her attention for a moment. Back towards the deed at hand. Well, as fast as you can say "run for your life"..I had the deck raised, the blade disengaged and the mower in 4th gear and it was high noon between me and the cat..that ol' mower can move...around the west side of the garage, over the driveway and a stop and stare down with said cat...he headed off to the south, so did I..then he disappeared..Fearless Fosdick saves the day, uh, bird and then mowed a whole round chuckling, until I realized I forgot to engage the blade..oh well, the baby was saved..

Nice and cool today. Have sourdough starter ready to use and a thawed Cornish Game hen to go in a black pot.

Got a few things at an auction yesterday but when I came back and went over them found more damage than noted before. Either I need NEW glasses (yes) AND need to triple check things.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Hot and Windy

Did the grocery, birdfeed, stamp buying, bank, stuff this a.m. before it hits the 90's. Mom got out and walked at the bank and the grocery store. She even admitted she did not walk enough. The other thing I noticed she is cognizant of is the need for protein. A good thing!

Must get Mom's car worked on next week. Things will be sort of busy for me with trying to get out of here by the end of the month.

I see my link did not work below and I just don't feel like the work around to fix it.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Hello Out There


The motto for the state is "Nebraska - The Good Life" or something close to that. I heard one a few weeks ago.

Nebraska, where you can watch your dog run away for a week!

well, it is not quite that flat here but I did get a chuckle out of it.
Not sure what I am suppose to be learning from my stint here but hope I get it one of these days.

Monday, June 05, 2006

I Guess the Only Thing

this guy can work is the system.

Such a Crock

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Sourdough Starter from MI

Originally uploaded by sfinds2003.

Just got this out of the dutch oven. My first try using the sourdough starter from Michigan. Should be interesting. This starter had been frozen from March of 05. I usually "kill" them so we'll see.

June is Underway

Hot and muggy today. Had an early morning shower and now am paying for it.

Talked to one of the nephews today and it sounds as though begrudgingly Mom's other daughter may show up for a week or so while I am in Texas. Sure hope so and mostly for Mom. She needs to see her. Secondly coming out to take Mom grocery shopping won't hit the boys quite so much. Time will tell.
Looking forward to the weekend camp trip the weekend after next. Hope it is fun and not TOO hot.

Cleaned out the Baby Truck and finally found my missing toothbrush. Think I already threw away the base. Such is living out of ones vehicle.LOL