At This Point in Time

Temporarily helping a parent. Miss my life.

Sunday, February 27, 2005


Still feeling puny...sure wish it would pass.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Things are Better

Whatever Mom had, it wasn't the bean soup as I succumbed to "it" Thursday night and felt really bad all day Friday. Hopefully it is over for both of us.

Thursday, February 24, 2005


Mom seems her old self this a.m. Sure glad it wasn't any worse than what it was.

I did find out the son I was hoping to see in San Antonio may have to put off his coming to the States a little while longer. Should find out today. So, postponing the departure date is not a bad thing.

Now to check on the weather ten days out. Of course it usually changes but gives me something to do.

I am leaving everything packed!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Put Off

I am not leaving this Friday. Mom was sick all day. She blamed it on the bean and ham soup I made yesterday and it may not have agreed with her. I am fine. But need to put off leaving until she has her strength back.

My first "noir" thought this morning was that she was saying she was sick so I would not leave. But she really was sick.

She is better now. Got up and got dressed, ate a little supper and is watching TV..

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


My four day window of decent weather has closed down to one day. I will just have to wait and see. Once again, I have mixed feelings. Sure don't want to stick around but feel it is tough on Mom having me gone. Being a Pisces is rough!!

Just was notified I had been chosen to field test a couple of lures. Would be nice but think I will be gone to much to do the right kind of job. Hated to decline, but, oh,, if they wanted them checked in Texas, that's another story!! Ha

Monday, February 21, 2005


Well, another day in Neveragainland. And it is my birthday. Have heard in some form or other from all the "chillins" in the past few days, and from a few friends, which is nice.

No mail delivery today, either, so am I special or what????

Many waves of geese just flew over honking "happy birthday" except they were headed North. Wrong direction!

I need to mentally and emotionally pull myself up by the old bootstraps but damn, where did those boots go?

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Should be A Law

No commercials the last ten laps of any race!!

Race Day

I am able to get a couple of TV stations in that Mom cannot. First, she does not want the antenna moved so conseqently she can only get two stations in and secondly, she will only watch one of those.

I am able to get PBS and the local Fox in addition to CBS and ABC, so I do get some choice. Now it is foggy and I am hoping it lifts before noon or I may have a problem getting Fox and the Daytona 500 in.

On the other hand, if that is the only problem I would ever have, would gladly sacrifice the viewing of the race.

Went back to doing some Pilates. You think that it is a gentle form of exercise but this morning my body is saying something a tad bit different.

Saturday, February 19, 2005


The Mail Lady just delivered a package from North Carolina. It was from my best friend in Rockport!! Bless her heart.


and I had written a Blog not too long ago about this very thing!! How cool. Is this Serendipity or what? and they need to be eaten within two weeks..whoo hoo I can handle that!

They are sooooooooooo good..Guess I had better share one with Mom. I am sure you have figured out it is Truffles!

Friday, February 18, 2005

Another Week Done Gone

Time - how our concept differs depending on circumstances. Right now in the situation I am in, it drags.

I know the day will come when I will look back and think about how much I should have accomplished with this block of time and I elected to just sit. And that still does not make me get up and take action!

One of my friends did say that possibly this is what you needed. A block of time to just be instead of doing.

My plans are still waffling due to weather and schedules. Wish I could get a handle on it but guess this is a "go with the flow" time. Ah, well, go get a cup of coffee and meditate.

Thursday, February 17, 2005


Finally got the site meter least I hope it work.

Ah, The Old House Cleaning Tricks

In reading Is There Anything of Interest's blog about cleaning house, it brought to mind the ways I use to do it (and should get back to) and referred to as my Games.

The 25 Minute Way.

This involved setting a timer for twenty-five minutes and working like a dervish in one room. When it rang, you moved on immediately to the next room. When you finished, it only took a few minutes to wind up what was left undone in any given room. This did not include BIG cleaning like windows etc. but the dusting, vacuuming, putting things away, mopping etc.

Until you Have to Leave the Room

Here you worked in a room until replacing something took you out of that room. Returning a book or item that belonged elsewhere. Then you worked there until replacing an items moved you on.

Involving the Family

On Saturday's when everyone had places to go I would have them give me an hour and then they were free. This also included hubby. The two rules were, Do What I Say and Do Not Speak. Now, you must have things organized in your mind for this to work. The littlest one would be instructed to empty waste cans, someone cleaning sinks, cammode, someone running the vacuum and so on. At the end of one hour, they were FREE!! Once they left, I would turn on the music, mop and wax and generally finish up. I usually cooked a special meal on those Sat. nights.

I also tried a hint from some book that said maids in hotels would go in and always clean from the left and work their way around the room. The other trick was to have a pail with all your supplies in it so you did not have to leave the room.

Now, in Nebraska, I just procrastinate..

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Just Not Into It

I am having a blah day today. Of course, it is just the degree of blahness, as most days are that way.

Some of the folks in this small town are trying to restore the old Opera House. I have not been in it yet but thought that might be something to help with while I am here. Talked to one of the people involved and they had a meeting coming up. I never received a call as to when it would be and did find out later that a meeting was held.

My understanding is the acoustics are very good and structurally it is sound as it is on the second floor of an existing business. Upgrades would consist of putting in restrooms etc. The pictures I saw piqued my curiosity. I hope I get a chance to see it in person.

I think I will clean my closet and get some clothes ready to go south!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


I heard geese flying over last night (twilight time) but never did visually locate them. Sitting here at the computer this morning with my window still open, (it's about 40 out) I heard them once again. This time I was able to enjoy the sight of their formation plus the sounds.

I do "want to go where the wild goose goes."

I Knew It Wasn't So

There is not much traffic to Mom's house. The meter reader, culligan man, Schwan fellow etc. So, yesterday, I was surprised to hear someone knocking. Upon answering the door, even more surpised that it was the local florist delivery person asking if I was Sharon.

Now, I will admit, my mind knew better but that did not stop my heart from jumping, just for a wee moment.

Of course, my mind was correct. It was not from the old SO.

Hope does take a long time to die.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

A Day Out

I spent yesterday in Lincoln even though the weatherman was completely off. It was predicted to be sunny in the a.m. and rain to move in late afternoon. It was cloudy when I left about 9 a.m. Showers started before noon and I drove home in the fog. Never did see old man sun. The day out felt really good no matter what the weather!

Lunch was a sandwich with a bowl of Santa Fe Corn Chowder. mmmmmmgood.

Can't remember where I ran across this site but it certainly is appealing to me at this point in time.


Friday, February 11, 2005

Spring Shopping in The Air

A while back I made a decision I hope to adhere to. All clothing, shoes, boots, purses and other accessories would not be purchased unless they were of durable quality. The caveat was I must love it three times (a friend taught me that one) and it should be leaning towards a timeless style. Although, there is a part of me that insists you must kick up your heels and have fun with clothes once in a while
I don’t know about anyone else but I have had items literally fall apart that were purchased from name department stores and actually were last seasons items with the thread giving away after a couple of washings.

So far my marks are fair. Found a name brand wallet that pleased me and it is holding up. The purse I am using was purchased two or three years ago and it is doing well. I also found a basic black dress in the “roll it up and stuff it in the suitcase” fabric that is doing great. All these items were on sale.

But I discovered there are a couple of items I might rethink about buying inexpensively (read that cheap). One is tee shirts. Wearing them while cooking in my dutch ovens can lead to some wonderful stains. Actually, some could be used in a Rorschach test. Working on the Baby Truck, same scenario. So, I will continue to go for quantity instead of quality and try to preserve a couple of “cute” ones for forays into town.

The other item is sandals. I just like ‘em. More than one pair have been ruined by being caught out in rainstorms, mud after rainstorms, etc. or plodding through a weed patch at a swap meet. So if they fit fine and are not big bucks, will continue to match them to the tee shirts and/or shorts.

Sandals and tee shirts, I must be dreaming about Texas again!


I have been fighting the dreaded "downer" mood the last few days. I am sure the upcoming Couples Day is the reason. Ads in print, tv and the stores certainly hype it to a point ad nauseam. It too, will pass.

The other item in the news the last few days was the broken heart syndrome. Medical community finally catching up to what people have felt and known for years.

For all of the coupled up who pass this way, do enjoy your day! If it is the right someone, be sure he/she is on your blessings list.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Back At It

I am back to working on Mom's taxes...I keep procrastinating and I may have to make a mad dash to get out of here between storms so better have Mom's stuff ready to go. I knew I was missing something and finally found a couple of deposit slips but no paperwork..Back to grocery bag diving...

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Still Here

It has been snowing most of the day. The hospital maintenance guy ran the snow blower down the sidewalk in front of the house. Mom's house is next door, as you probably figured out and Mom does her walking down the hospital corridors. I went out and shoveled the walk from the porch to the front sidewalk so she scooted (well, scooted is probably not the right word here) over to get one walk in today.
I was hoping the weather gods would take a hint and shut off the white stuff but no such luck.

Bald Eagles

The bald eagle is a fascinating bird. An eighty inch wing span is mind blowing.

The decline of the bald eagle occurring in the late 40’s early 50’s was due to DDT and Dieldrin. These pesticides interfered with egg development by creating super thin shells. A high concentration in the bird could and did prove fatal.

The numbers have changed from a low of less than 3,000 to over 7,000 nesting adults. Nebraska has both the golden eagle (western part of the state, I think year round) and bald eagles in the winter time. The bald eagles hang around the hydro electric plants because the turbulent water below the dams do not freeze and fish are available. They fly in low and flat, talons extended, to pluck the fish from just below the surface of the water.

Two of the plants have viewing areas for the public on the weekends. I may have to make a road trip.

I was lucky enough to observe soaring adult and feeding immature bald eagles while fly fishing in Alaska a couple of years ago.

Bald eagles also winter in Texas.


It is starting to snow..(sigh)

Monday, February 07, 2005

Thoughts on a Snowy Day

Today, like several other days, I have been thinking about the relationship I have with Mom. As in most relationships, at least between people, not pets, there is the love/hate side. Why is it so hard to be in the same house? And is it the old story, two women can’t get along in the same house? Or is it the residue from the past, when I was aching to get away from parents and Nebraska, that colors todays perceptions?

I try to put myself in her shoes, but just don’t succeed in getting anywhere with that line of thought. She has been a widow for a little over a year. I went through that when I was 21. Had two boys and pregnant with a third when my husband died. I thought I would too, at the time, but I did not.

I do know it is easier to love some people from a distance. When I was first married, remember thinking the fact we were 600+ miles from both sets of parents was a good thing. And it really was.

If I survive this portion of my journey, will I regret feeling this way? But your feelings just “are” what they are. Rather like life, it isn’t good or bad, it just “is”. We add the descriptive phrases, and then we believe what the tape in our mind plays back.

Accepting myself, warts and all, accepting Mom and everyone else as they are, is the path to shoot for, but, doggone it folks, it ain’t easy!

Sunday, February 06, 2005


Left for the auction in rain, by the time I arrived it was snowing like crazy, made a quick run through just to look and droole. Great stuff and I would have loved to stay but with no weight in the back of the Baby Truck, knew I had better head to the barn. The place was packed so they should have a good day. Guess these are people who know how to drive in this cra uh, bad weather.

But I got revenge, yeah, right. Stopped a block from the house and had sausage gravy over a biscuit.


Cold rain this morning. I had planned to go to an auction and since it is not too far away think I will run over and preview anyway. May not stay long. Rain is suppose to change to sleet mid morning then snow this afternoon.

The coffee is sending its' siren song, must answer!

Saturday, February 05, 2005

One Thing

about living in a small town is you do not turn invisible quite so fast. I have been "invisible" for a long time. Of course, most of my women friends are15 to 20 years younger and when we would be out and about, I might as well have stayed home as far as being acknowledged.

Now, just need to find a guy that much younger, but that is another story.

I do not want to scare anyone but it is a fact that as women age, no one really "sees" them anymore unless you are a "hottie" like Tina Turner, a well recognized face, or dress so bizarrely that they just have to stare.

I am digressing here. The point being in a small town people do look and once in a great while make eye contact. Of course the reason is, who the heck is that????? is what they are thinking but at least you feel someone noticed you were using oxygen.

BTW, the martini was fair and they were advertsing a slew of "martooni drinks". (an inside Blogger joke)

Friday, February 04, 2005


The gal I was suppose to go to dinner with is having a hard time with her "ladies days" and has opted out for this evening. Darn. I was looking forward to getting out. May run out to the club for a martini tonight, just to do something.

I have been "blogging" around today and stopped by too many that are writing. So, now, I am feeling guilty that I have not PBICFOK put butt in chair, fingers on keys in any meaningful way, BUT I have started putting what is written in chronological order along with some editing. I really need to get this part done as the time line of the story was getting away from me.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Sounds Cool

My artsy friend in Texas who got the job, the guy and where she wanted to live is joining a group that converts their dreams to art..Neat idea, if you can remember your dreams, that is. The last one I remember a few weeks ago was ex s.o. with a blond. Would not want to covert that to art!! well, maybe Noir Art.

There is an insurance agent here in town that I have a glass of wine with now and again. Wouldn't you know, she's just starting to see a fellow. She deserves it. Been raising a boy by herself forever and needs a life. But not a date for this weekend so we may do dinner or something one evening before the weather turns bad as it is predicted to do so late Sat. night.

Happy Camper

Playing with my new art supplies...such fun...will enjoy it while I am enjoying it!! Anyone who has been in my situation or a similar one, will understand that statement.

Fair Warning I may attempt to change my template and then go to HeloScan sometime in the near future. There will be a chance I could lose the whole mess, so if, whoops, where'd she go occurs, you will know why.

Gotta go play..

Enough Already

Tappy-toe, tappy-toe

Jiggle knee, Jiggle knee

Tappy-toe, jiggle knee

Just where in the hell is that Fed Ex truck!!!


It is a shame when the highlight of your day is seeing the Fed Ex truck, then, when you do not receive the anticipated delivery, it is such a downer. That was yesterday. Saw the truck when I took Mom out to pay one of her bills. Then took her for a ride as she had not been out of the house other than her walks for quite a while.

Went back online and they had changed the delivery date from yesterday to today.

Yesterday I also made a dutch oven of baby lima beans and ham hocks. Really tasted good.

I smell the coffee and the blend I am using today is Columbian and French Roast. Really an eye opener!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

What's Love got to Do With It?

I was visiting with a friend from Dallas last night. We had not talked in a couple of weeks. She is being pressured by her BF to live together and, in fact, he tried to plan a surpise trip to Las Vegas over Valentines to tie the knot. She not only has "cold feet" she is draggin' the heck out of 'em. She continues to bring up the age difference. He is five years younger. I don't buy that as a reason, more an excuse. But I am sure, somewhere, there is a real reason she is hesitant.

My first reaction is when your gut puts you in doubt about a decision, listen to it.

Secondly, she nows say she loves him (new) but is not "in" love with him. Well, I am not sure just what that means. Is that like, I love my pets, but I am not in love with them?

A number of years ago I finally decided the litmus test for me would be when I put soneone elses well being and survival right up next to my own, it just might be love. Guess I just didn't get it returned.

I believe my order from Dick Blick is due to arrive today. I made a quick trip to Lincoln yesterday and did find a portable clip board to work on and it was on sale for $10. So, I'm ready. Bring it on.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

All Gone

Back in the old days, we use to go to the airport to people and plane watch. Cheap entertainment on a Sunday afternoon. I liked the International side and you could spin all kinds of stories in your mind about the people you were seeing disembark. Their clothing would be different and sometimes quite bizarre. Some hairdos were certainly "ahead" of their times, some, the times would never arrive.

Then there would be the observation deck. Watching all the plane traffic. For the times you might
not want to go into the airport proper, there were places to park at the end of the runways, outside the parameter of the airport. I remember going out to see the first 747 land at San Antonio. Also there would be other cars there, fathers bringing their sons. Sort of an airplane watching cult.

Fast forward to the present. It is a shame some simple things of the past are gone.