At This Point in Time

Temporarily helping a parent. Miss my life.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

The Stroll

Mood: Better than Yesterday
Energy: 6
Went on a quick stroll around the Back 40 yesterday and discovered the peony beds have many little ones poking their heads up. I surely hope we do not have a late blizzard or such to snuff them out.
A honeysuckle type shrub is starting to show signs of life. This was a row of shrubs I helped my Dad plant years ago when I was here on a visit. He had been in a slight dispute with the hospital maintenance people next door. They insisted on driving their equipment through the folk's property all the time and would not honor his request that they cease running over his grass. Hence, a living barrier that did two jobs. Kept the cretins out and smelled good in the spring.
I also found a blooming weed, no, make that wildflower that I meant to look up. It is bright blue and is in the shape of a star. I suppose it is called starflower but will see if I can find it on a Google search.

I must thank Teresa for the idea of adding my daily personal barometer.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

It's A Ho Hum Time

Mood: Medium funk
Energy About a 5

Clouds are racing by fueled by strong North and Northwest winds. A little rain and the temperature is chilly after two days in the 70's.

I am still planning an escape to Lincoln as soon as there is a nice day. Hopefully that will be Friday.

It now seems my globe trotting son will only be in San Antonio for a couple of days, if he makes it at all. Makes me wonder how the company he works for stays in business. I have just about given up on getting to see him this trip. Of course, things change at a moment notice.

Mom pulled one of her sneaking up the stairs last night. Surely does get on my nerves. I put the Baby Truck away since we were due for possible thunder storms and she did not see me do it. When she finally noticed it was gone, was sneaking up to see if I was here or not. Some day I may find all of this funny . Wish I had been sneaking off to see a fella, or whatever it is she imagines I am doing. If she persists in treating me like I am sixteen, might as well have some fun!! That might help my energy level..ha

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Another couple of Weeks

I had my check-up today. Everything seems to be fine. I guess the ol' gall bladder was one sick puppy (me too) so it's good it is gone. The Dr. said to give it a couple of more weeks to see if my energy returns and the slightly woozyness goes away.

Monday, March 28, 2005

First Time

it is suppose to get into the 70's today. I loaded branches into the bed of the truck yesterday and have anxiously been waiting for this morning to haul them to the dump. Sad when the high point of a days activities is going to the dump! Oh, yes, have a couple of things to mail at the post office. Woohoo, two places to go.

The chicken turned out darn good yesterday and I think Mom really enjoyed the dinner. Still wasn't up to par but at least not the bone tired I have been some days.

Watched the Spur's game fourth quarter with my oldest son via cell phone. He has The Dish so what he was seeing was about a 20 second lag later than what I was seeing so my comments did not make sense to him until that time passed. It was silly but it was fun.

Tomorrow is check-up time. Made my little list of questions. Be glad when this is finished.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Sunday Morning Gettin' Up

The Sun is up and it is suppose to warm up well into the 60's today. Hopefully that will help my mood level. Have planned to use a Dutch Oven to roast a chicken today.

My nephew came by yesterday. It was nice to have someone to visit with for a change. I was making a doctored up spaghetti sauce that just refused to turn into something that tasted really good. Went ahead and finished it up, fixed Mom's lunch and he and I went out to get a bite to eat. I do believe it made Mom mad but I just need a break now and again. He stayed for about three hours and was looking forward to an evening alone. His wife was going "out with the girls".

K. (my daughter) called late and mentioned they had taken the girls to a Petting Zoo. They had not caught the news out of Fl. about the serious problems there. I hope I did not alarm her too much. She has to do the double duty today. Church and time at her MIL's. Then afternoon at her Dad's. Her SIL is going with her to her Dad's.

Coffee was better today. I may be getting the hang of it back.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Almost Hate to Mention It

Upon awaking this a.m. almost thought the dreaded vertigo was back. Sure hope not!

Coffee better but still not "quite" right.

My daughter had been on a business trip for a few days. Hope to get caught up with the events sometime this weekend. Friday her hubby had to take off work because the oldest daughter was out of school so he had the 2 1/2 year old an the 8 year old for the day. I was suppose to be there for that time period. Which leads me to the plan making process. We can make them all we want but had better be flexible as they may change completely or not happen at all. I have looked at the calendar but have made no new plans for going south.

My favorite Cushman ride will be May 7th. Wonder if ex s.o. will have a date? I would like to attend the festivities the night before (he never goes) so could visit with some old friends but that is almost too early to leave if I am going to baby sit for all of June. (Yes, plans, but realize they may not work either.)

Things will evolve as deigned in the scheme of life.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Starting Over

Up by 6:45. Put real coffee on the first time in at least 3 weeks. I have been drinking a cup or less of Mom's colored water, oooops, coffee the past week. What I made this morning doesn't taste that good to me. I will have to aquire the touch to make it right once again. Just doing a cup to see how the ol' digestive system acts. Then stepped out for a brisk "little" walk in a light snow/rain mix. Still did not get to sleep early last night. I know I will be tired by lunch time so may take a 30 minute nap then and attempt once again to get to sleep between 10 an 11 p.m.

The skies are grey (this grey is drab) as opposed to gray (this color is soft) this morning. Another wierd thought. Do your numbers have colors? Some of mine do.
Four is blue and eight is green, seven is orange, one is white. Hmmmm maybe the surgery is still affecting me..naw, I thought this stuff for a long time.

Anyway, enough nonsense. I wish everyone who comes this way a Happy and Safe Easter weekend if Christianity is your inclination. If not, have a safe weekend.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Guess It's Time

to get to doing something. Need to do a little housework as none has been done since I did it last.

Need to get the brain back in gear, either writing or some other endeavor.

Need to get outside and walk a little.

Ho Hum...think I'll take a nap..

I am also back to not getting to sleep before 2 a.m. Must get the days and nights straight once again.

Monday, March 21, 2005


I know I am expecting to much to soon, but would like one little spurt of energy just to know it hasn't completely deserted me. I think that has been a fear I need to conquer. Getting older is one thing, but having the energy to be, do and have a "good" life seems an essential part for me and I want it well into my 80's. I want to feel like lugging my cast iron around, setting up cooking areas and so on.

Time will tell, as always.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

4th Day Out

I am still not sure if this will "cure" my other ailments, but not having that particular pain is a relief plus knowing it will not just pop up out of the blue is nice.

My discharge directions were a hoot. Under diet - "as desired" - so guess that will be the old trial and error diet - see what foods kick my butt then I will know not to eat them.

Under Activity - "as tolerated"..well, gee whiz..I tolerated starting the baby truck and going up town for a couple of items. Wonder if that was included.

Anyway, Mom had had enough of doing the cooking so I was back in the kitchen today. I am going to take it slow and easy, I promise... tho, I will admit, this did take the last 5 pounds off but don' t know if they will stay off. It was nice to read the scales for a change..

Friday, March 18, 2005

Fourth Attempt - grrrrrrrr

This is the 4th time in 2 days of trying to post. It will not load.

Anyway, survived surgery so far, each day is a little better. Hope it continues.

Spring is just around a corner. Not sure which one. A few more robins, a couple of trees with buds on them. Of course, we can still get plenty of snow.

Going to see if this will post.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Try Again

Tried to post earlier that I had at least made it through surgery, but some how the blog did not make it through.

Anyway, back at the house bumping along and hope there are no complications of any kind. Might as well shoot for the moon there.

When the nurse was taking me to the operating room told her that I certainly was at a disadvange but I did have a vivid imagination and just before I went under would picture all of them in the nude. Made me smile for me, anyway. Heard them laughing about it later.

Hope this will post.

Try Again

Tried to post earlier that I had at least made it through surgery, but some how the blog did not make it through.

Anyway, back at the house bumping along and hope there are no complications of any kind. Might as well shoot for the moon there.

When the nurse was taking me to the operating room told her that I certainly was at a disadvange but I did have a vivid imagination and just before I went under would picture all of them in the nude. Made me smile for me, anyway. Heard them laughing about it later.

Hope this will post.

I Think I'm Back

All testing and surgery finally over. It seems I will make it another day or so. Back at Mom's and she is driving me up the wall, guess I must be on the mend.

Being careful with pain control so hopefully will be back to 100% soon.

The one good thing about all the testing found out some things I had been worried about are OK.

Windy and cool here. Maybe some rainy weather on the way.

I Think I'm Back

All testing and surgery finally over. It seems I will make it another day or so. Back at Mom's and she is driving me up the wall, guess I must be on the mend.

Being careful with pain control so hopefully will be back to 100% soon.

The one good thing about all the testing found out some things I had been worried about are OK.

Windy and cool here. Maybe some rainy weather on the way.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Double yuk

Have been in the hospital the last couple of days. Another test coming up on Friday and then will probably have surgery (gall bladder) next week.
Yep, light at the end of the tunnel is still that damned old train.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Whoa, Nellie

Suppose to get close to 70 today..Winter, in Nebraska was never like this when I was growing up. But I'll take any day like this I can get!!

Visited with my friend in Texas last night who is in the midst of a three day pastel workshop. She is having a blast and learning new, neat techniques and tricks. It was encouraging to hear. She has sold a number of her pastels over the last two or three years. To me, that is a great "atta gal" response to ones efforts, no matter what the medium.

Two nights pain free. Hopefully I am on a roll there.

Time to get some lunch going and decide which dutch oven I will use for the Apple Carmel Cake.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

False Spring

The squirrels have been gamboling in the back forty. I have spied a couple of robins this past week. Certainly signs of spring in the offing. I need to be in Texas planting my chilipin seeds with my granddaughter. Gardening shows on the tube....spring fever reigns!!

Hopefully will finish up tests next week and I will be able to get on the road.

My nephew and his wife are coming out tomorrow. Right now I even feel like making something "good" in a dutch oven. Progress!!

P.S. Chilipin Peppers

The name of the creek comes from chilipitín (early variant chiltapin, from Mexican Spanish chiltipiquín), which denotes the small, wild red peppers that grow abundantly in the area (called bird pepper elsewhere).
The creek they are discussing is about 40 miles from where I use to live. There are several names for this pepper.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Still Here

The one reason I hate going to the Dr. is when they can't solve the problem, the tests start. I understand it but oh God, I hate it.. Oh well, I reserve the right to bail out whenever.

Yesterday I asked the Dr. when the pain got bad in the middle of the night, who do I call? A very pregnant pause then, I'll get you a little something called in. Of course, no pain last night but just knowing I have something if it does rear its ugly head really helps.

Received an email from my friend in the Texas Hill Country. She sent a belated BD gift. An art class of my choice and free room. Wow, but the caveat was I might have to walk the dogs and cook some.

I did work in pastels today PLUS I did some writing.

Just got some bad news. My #2 son will get home next Sunday, but then leaves in 2 weeks for Africa.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

No Luck

Finally went to the Dr. far, all tests aren't showing anything. They were thinking gallbladder problems. Feel better but not great.. just hate this. Told Mom the problem was my allergy to Nebraska!